'The limits of my language mean the limits of my world'
Ludwig Wittgenstein
The words we use to describe our situations have impact. Not only do they inform others around us as to how we view ourselves and our expectations but they also form part of our personal identities. When we tell ourselves that there is something negative going on, we surrender to it.
When we instead approach something with realism, acceptance and aim to frame it positively, we can equip ourselves with a better mindset as we hear the words we speak! It takes some training and is definitely easier to implement in certain situations that others but it's definitely something to bear in mind if you're looking to improve your personal empowerment.
Here are 20 negative words / phrases, reframed into positive ones to get you started:
Failure ➜ Learning
Exhausted ➜ Playing in overtime
Disappointed ➜ Delayed
Stuck ➜ Exploring new angles
Overwhelmed ➜ Temporary imbalance
Down ➜ On route to a turnaround
Embarrassed ➜ Aware
Rejected ➜ Misunderstood
Nervous ➜ Energised
Lost ➜ Searching
Hate ➜ I prefer
Sick of ➜ Want to cleanse from
Stupid ➜ Looking to gain further knowledge
Destroyed ➜ Set-back
Drained ➜ Need time for recharging
Afraid ➜ Uncomfortable
Furious ➜ Passionate
Sad ➜ Sorting my thoughts
Have to ➜ Get to